Title: "Old" CDFM Module 4 Exam - Pearson VUE
Description: "Old" CDFM Module 4 Exam: Acquisition - Pearson VUE (will be retired on October 1, 2024)
The Module 4 Acquisition exam is required for earning the CDFM-A. This is a closed book, proctored, computer-based exam to be taken at a Pearson VUE testing location or at home (effective June 1, 2020). The exam consists of 80 multiple-choice items and the candidate seat time is 120 minutes, to include accepting the Non-Disclosure Agreement and a brief survey.
Competency areas tested:
- Goals, Strategy and the 3 Major DoD Decision Support Systems
- Systems Engineering
- Resource Management
- Life Cycle Logistics
- Human Systems Integration
- Acquiring Information Technology
- Technology Protection
- Test and Evaluation
- Decisions, Assessments and Reports
- Special Management Activities (Emphasis on Earned Value Management)
View the exam blueprints in the back of the CDFM Candidate Handbook here.
Active enrollment in the CDFM Program is required to test. If you are an active CDFM, contact the Certification Department to have a cost-free enrollment added to your account. Otherwise, view enrollment information here.
An authorization to test email is sent within approximately 24-48 hours of purchase and includes the information needed to schedule the exam in the Pearson VUE test scheduling system.
Exam fee non-refundable except in the case of duplicate purchase.
Price: $99.00 Member/$99.00 Non Member